MOST Routing Manager contains a set of advanced routing algorithms that take account of the various inputs and business rules required to generate optimum routing plans for the network. The routing plan analysis and generation takes account of wide variety of factors including:
MOST Routing Manager offers multiple levels of routing sophistication from basic Least Cost Routing to complex predictive routing based on optimizing the achieved margin across the whole network whilst account potential future scenarios.
The routing optimization is determined by specialist algorithmic techniques that support multiple routing scenarios, grouped into basic and advanced routing:
Basic Routing Plan generation
Advanced Routing Plan generation
Benefits delivered by MOST Routing Manager product include:
Reduced Risk in Routing Plans
MOST Routing Manager automates the generation of the Routing plan, so that the number of available options within a network needed to be considered when delivering an optimum routing plan can exceed what is manually possible and is without introducing human error into the process
Ability to respond to change faster
As businesses need to re-engineer themselves to within a more dynamic, competitive marketplace, the ability to generate a Routing plan easily and quickly gives the carrier a business advantage
Graphic representation of Routing choices
MOST Routing Manager graphical displays the generated Routing options for each destination. It shows where Inter-carrier agreements have influenced a routing option, where a routing is forced and where Quality of Service levels have either been meet or have not been achieved. This ensures that the user can see, understand and exercise control within their network, so reducing the risk of errors and mistakes
Reduced routing overflow and improved cost predictability
Optimizing Routing Algorithms allows for the allocation of traffic at optimal cost within current network constraints. Through software modeling the traffic flows across the network, in advance of routing implementation, MOST Routing Manager can predict where constraints will cause overflow and therefore unexpected additional cost.
Routing generated at the lowest granular level
By operating at the most granular level within the Dial Codes offered by the carrier’s suppliers, all possible routes are supported and included in the generation of the Routing plan.
Levels of Routing sophistication
By offering a number of different routing algorithms the carrier can select which level is most appropriate to their business requirements. An organization can change the level of routing sophistication as their business drivers require giving a level of upgrade flexibility.
Routing can be optimized to support different business models
MOST Routing Manager is able to include a number of business factors that will enable the carrier to optimize the routing for different business models, including Least Cost, Best Quality, Maximum Network Utilization, Best Cost.
All Parameters can be included in the Routing optimization process: